Knowlton PCA
Christ Making All Things New


Editor’s 2019 Easter Introduction

After resolving to refrain from using that “L” word that I recall so well from liturgical circles, I recognized what was central to the love of Christ in going to the cross, enduring His Father’s shame and reclaiming His life in victory. Since He bore our sins, we must repent of ours and turn toward Him. He reconciled us to God; so now we must to one another be reconciled. The forsaking of sin became the topic I focused on for the season preceding Easter. One author, Hannah Moore, you should already recognize from already appearing under this tab. There was a discovery on the website for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals that pertained to these topics. However, they were part of a running series, “Through the Westminster Confession,” and each article with its explanation links to one another so that, rather than pull an article out of its place, I would rather that you, readers, visit the site and examine the articles for yourselves. Among the Confessions, the eighth article, parts four and five concern Christ and His atoning work. Article 15 deals with repentance. Of course, while these topics about winning over sin are important to us, we must also proclaim, as at least one article does, that God offers newness of life freely with no conditions other than faith. As for the articles here, one refers to an Article in the Belgic Confession, which I included for reference. For those who had no opportunity to read it previously, I included Jim Mell’s tenth article on Worship Music. May God add to your appreciation of His Divine Provision that He ordained for us from the beginning of time to enjoy this moment. – Louis Paul Toscano, Editor-In-Chief

Louis Toscano